For Gujaratis Diwali is known as Badhausar. It is their belief that on this day Goddess Lakshmi descends from the heaven to the earth to live in a clean and tidy house. This a general belief of having clean house. Flowers of different hues and colors decorate the households. Girls of the all household go around in groups to each and they are traditionally dressed in the full bright colors that they are known for. The girls offer Mera, a prayer in front of each household and invoke God to bless each member of the family.
Rangoli is a floral design and use of flower is custom on the day of Badhausar. On the next day all the girls of the village prepare the sweets and personally take the sweets from house to house and deliver it with good wishes. They also carry earthen lamps (diyas) through the village in the evening on the second day making the entire atmosphere picturesque devotional fun enduring.
Indians love colors and its perfectly reflected in various ways. Rangoli is one such example that is a unique art work that is...Know More
The history of Diwali is replete with legends and these legends are moored to the stories of Hindu religious scriptures...Know More
Enjoy the Best and the Most Heartfelt Diwali Messages from all entries received by us!!...Know More
Diwali is the epiphany of showing gratefulness to the almighty for blessing with wealth and wisdom. It is the time of illuminating...Know More