Diwali, the festival of lights, is the most popular of all the festivals. This day is treated as an occasion for celebrations by Jains and Sikhs as well as Hindus. In order to give a positive information about Diwali to the people around us, an initiative was taken in the form of "Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India", in short SCFI. Extending over five days, the festival of Diwali is a rage among people because of the lights, fireworks, and sweets.
As a socially responsible manifestation, Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India endeavors to create value for the Indian society by introducing the beauty, grace and wisdom embodied in the various festivals of India, thereby preserving India's rich cultural heritage. We bring unique customs, traditions and goodness of Indian festivals to form a distinct association known as the Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India. Through this organization, we hope to form a mutual respect for and foster the common bond that various Indian festivals share.
The great diversity of Indian religious beliefs is projected through the various festivals that are celebrated in India. They arise from the innate desire of man to seek diversion from humdrum activities that help in symbolizing, reflecting and enriching social life in a specific cultural setting. SCFI seeks to conserve and promote an awareness of this rich and diversified cultural treasure amongst the citizen of this country through various expositions that focus on the tradition of excellence, conversing the famous legends, rituals, mythology and philosophy of Indian Festivals and in turn facilitating an awareness of their deeper and subtler values.
SCFI On DiwaliSCFI helps in reaffirming the underlying meaning of this great festival. SCFI contribute in glorifying the festival of Diwali by touching it's all important aspect that include the mythological explanation, meaning, legends, to fun loving ones such as crackers, gifts, lightings and recipes SCFI, with the aid of this website renew the commitment of friendship and goodwill associated with Diwali and enrich the celebration of the simple joys of life.
Contact Address:Email: scfifestivalnetwork@gmail.com
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